Code Of Conduct

Opening Words

"At Cross Masters, we believe that every company should be responsible not only to its founder, but also to its employees, partners, customers, suppliers and society as a whole. In everything we do, we take into account ethics, openness, honesty, and we believe that applying this value will bring positive benefits in the long run." This document describes our exemplary behavior, our shared ethical values and our common goal of creating a socially responsible company and is therefore not definitive, but continuously updated and kept alive in order to be a company with a good name and satisfied employees." Markéta Frimlová

Why do we have a Code of Conduct and who is it for?

The Cross Masters Code of Conduct sets out the core social and business values and describes in detail the expected behavior within the company and our responsibilities in relation to customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. It is a set of specific rules that are based on our values and that we consider to be correct. The Code of Conduct applies to all employees and colleagues in the performance of their duties. It aims to ensure that everyone acts in an exemplary manner and shares common values at all times. Regardless of the corporate hierarchy, we all ensure that it is adopted, properly followed and adhered to on a daily basis. The aim of the Code is to encourage new employees to become familiar with the rules of ethical behaviour. It is also a tool for presenting our corporate culture to customers and the public, as well as to potential employees. It also protects the company and its employees from loss of reputation and possible sanctions. Our reputation is based on the trust of our employees and the Code of Conduct sets out clear rules on how to deal with undesirable behavior and the penalties for breaking the rules.

Behavior of managers and team-leaders

The Code of conduct describes in detail the principles of ethical behavior of our employees. It aims to establish a common understanding of our values in our daily working practices. Our values reflect who we are and how we treat ourselves and the people we work with.

The company's core values include

Open Communication

We know that only direct and clear communication leads to proper understanding and functioning both within the company and towards our partners and clients. We prevent misunderstandings by verifying correct understanding, not relying on mere hints, but confirming everything in writing. We speak openly about our doubts and are not afraid to address them. We do not hide behind anyone, we openly communicate our opinions and fully respect the company hierarchy. We respect the rules of feedback. We know that if we want to change anything, the input has to come from each of us, that is our responsibility. We are honest, open and positive without unnecessary emotions. If we are unable to reach a solution, we ask for support from the team leader, whose own interest is the good functioning of the team. We build a company culture where no one is afraid to safely and openly say what they really think.


We create relationships based on maximum mutual confidence, both at the level of co-operation within the company and with our customers. We build long-term relationships with clients based on listening to the customer, providing truthful information, meeting agreements and deadlines, and doing a good job. All of this is essential to us. We understand that this is the only way our clients will perceive us as reliable and trustworthy partners.

Creating positive interpersonal relationships

We aim to build and maintain a positive informal working environment with a friendly atmosphere and zero tolerance for any form of discrimination in order to encourage the personal and professional development of our employees.

Work-life balance

We emphasize work-life balance and respect the working hours of all colleagues. We strive to manage all our life roles and optimize our time. Therefore, all direct communication is handled within agreed working hours.

Our shared principles

Behavior at the workplace

Respect for human rights

We respect fundamental human rights and freedoms, in particular the right to life and health, the inviolability of the person and his or her privacy, the right to preserve human dignity, personal honor and reputation, freedom of thought, religion and expression. We treat colleagues equally at all times, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, religion or ideology, disability, age or sexual identity. We guarantee the right to human dignity, privacy and protection of personality to all employees. We do not participate in any way in the use of child or forced labor.

Bullying and sexual harassment

We reject any form of harassment, humiliation or intimidation. Bullying between colleagues is unacceptable in our company. Nor do we tolerate any form of sexual harassment, whether verbal or physical. We consider sexual harassment to be any form of unwelcome verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Our Health and Safety

Prevention of occupational accidents and diseases is our key responsibility. We require all employees to comply with all occupational health and safety regulations. All employees receive regular training and comply with the regulations. We only have one health each, so we protect it. If we feel ill, we prefer to stay at home to avoid infecting colleagues who may be less resilient.

Compliance with legislation

We emphasize transparency and accuracy of all documents. Violation of laws and regulations may lead to immediate termination of cooperation.

Cooperation with business partners

Relations with business partners

We build long-term and friendly relationships with our business partners based on mutual respect and trust. All written and verbal communication must be reliable and correct in order to build the reputation of our company. We treat our partners in accordance with our ethical standards and values, we are interested in their opinions and respond to their suggestions in a timely manner. We treat all communications as confidential, keep them secure and protect them from unauthorized access.

Dealing with conflicts of interest

We support fair competition. We strive to avoid situations that would give the appearance of a conflict of interest. We inform management of all non-work activities and relationships that could be considered a conflict of interest (e.g. other gainful activities). We report small gifts or considerations to our supervisors and accept gifts with caution and only when they are judged appropriate in a given case. We expect our suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. We build relationships with them based on trust and respect. We select them according to predetermined objective and transparent criteria.

Protection of personal data and company property

Personal data protection

We comply with all legislation relating to the protection of personal data, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All our employees follow the applicable standards and take care to protect personal data collected in the course of their work.

Protection of company assets

Every employee takes care to protect the Company's tangible and intangible assets, regardless of their origin, nature or purpose. This obligation continues after the termination of employment. The Company's assets may not be used for illegal purposes or for purposes unrelated to the Company's business. Company property shall be used for private purposes only with the consent of the employer.

Protection of reputation

It is in our interest to build, protect and promote the Company's reputation. In public, on social media and in our daily interactions with other people, we express ourselves with courtesy, respect and consideration for different opinions and attitudes. We always express ourselves in line with the company's values. We strengthen and maintain our reputation as a socially responsible company committed to the sustainable development of the information technology industry.

Social responsibility

Environmental responsibility

We promote environmental responsibility and environmentally sustainable economic growth. Each of us strives at our own level to ensure that our activities have a minimal negative impact on the environment. We focus on the conservation of natural resources and the wise management of waste, energy and water. Waste sorting is a matter of course for us.

Our approach

Enthusiasm for technology

We are a team of technology enthusiasts and together we create innovative solutions for digital marketing.

Compliance with the principles of professionalism

We build long-term partnerships with our customers and business partners based on mutual respect and professionalism. We take full responsibility for everything we develop. We do not hide behind excuses, we follow through. Communication is the basis for us. We inform colleagues and customers about everything as soon as possible, because we believe that problems solved in a timely and calm manner are behind client satisfaction. Each of us is responsible for our own solution. We are aware that a possible lack of communication can often be the cause of misunderstandings and lead to compromised client relationships. We advise our clients as best we can and focus on their requirements. We select the best people and support them. We participate in training on all aspects of our work. We use and invent our own tools to do our job better, do it right and continually prove ourselves. We deliver our services 100% and without compromise.


Each of our projects begins by taking a global view of our clients' needs. We approach each project with the client's specific requirements in mind and look for the root cause. Our goal is to create continuous improvement and support a better strategy, not just solve one part of a complex problem. We deliver conceptual solutions to individual requirements with customized solution design.


We are not dependent on technology suppliers. We use and invent tools ourselves to do our job right, better and continuously improve. We specialize in developing innovative, data-driven solutions to power (not only) digital marketing.

Final provisions and control of compliance with the Code of Conduct

The company's management is fully aware of its social responsibility and declares that it will be guided by these values and moral standards in its decision-making processes, and equally commits its employees to uphold them in their daily activities. Team leaders take a similar approach to values, contributing to the development of their teams and creating motivating conditions.

Bindingness of the Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is binding on all Cross Masters employees. Employee conduct that is in direct conflict with this Code of Conduct may be considered a serious breach of job responsibilities and will result in employment consequences.

How to report undesirable behavior

If an employee observes a violation of the Code of Conduct or feels that he or she is being treated improperly, it is the employee's responsibility and duty to report such conduct in good faith so that corrective action can be taken. The whistleblower may make a report orally or in writing to the CEO or Human Resources. All reports will be properly investigated and the necessary corrective action will follow. The action taken will be handled and recorded with absolute confidentiality as regards the identity of the whistleblower and the identity of the persons concerned.

You may use the following communication channels to make a report: